Saturday, 8 August 2020

if you are an adult, this

 This thought came to me yesterday, 

My question is dear people who has started adulthood, age ranging from 22-30, what are you doing with your life? Like what drives you to keep living? 

Or are you just living and working. 

My point is whats the fun thing now? I mean as a students we always have a certain purpose like you know get straight As, get to good school, get to good university, graduate etc. And so now we are working so now the purpose is to get rich? I am not considering marriage in this because i have never been into a monkey love relationship even when i was a high school-er and stupid. So having to consider that into my life plan is out of the question. And especially as a girl it kind of ends with marriage. I mean not end of the world but you know usual thing like have kids, maybe do some business etc. 

Here I am thinking of  buying an electric guitar and take a piano lesson (woo two instrument ambitious i know I couldn't play heck of music), so basically just doing my hobbies but now with money. 

 Basically i plan to live my 22-30 like how i would live my life if i was a rich teenager. (with more self-control and careful planning)

Is it how it is for you guys? Is it how most people roll these days? I would appreciate comments. This is solely based on curiosity. 



  1. for me , thats why we need a hobby and learn new things .Learning never end even we getting older :) but yeah sometimes i still losing and just keep going .

  2. I am 23 years old and currently struggling to finish my degree so i have not fully stepping into the working world yet. I am like you too, never really been into those monkey-love relationship or even serious one. Would i like to get marry someday? yes, but that is if i ever find someone who i actually want to spend my life with and who is worthy of me. Though it's not really a main priority for me. I think 22-30 should be spending by developing yourself more and explore new things other than just work or study. Whether it is new hobbies or finding new passion...its a good time to invest in experiences and throughout the way you will learn new things about yourself too...just continue living your YOUTH! Other than that...i think it is also a period of time where you should appreciate the people in your life more. Spend more time with your family and friends....create more memories with them before they all have more commitments. i guess in order something that you would look back into and cherished when you are in your 50s or 60s. People say that we tend to regret on things that we didn't do instead of what we did do. So if you're in a state where you don't have much commitments and also have incomes that are manageable for your own living....then invest it in your commitment with yourself. You are your own lifelong live for the best..of yourself.

    1. thank you for your kind comments, cheers to you too :D

  3. if you're curious and actually asking, i would say i'm living and working with anxiety 24 hrs. not to be mean, just be honest, i feel anxious after reading this. welp, maybe it had been adding up after read posts from other blogs. i'm an extend student, on defer, not working, and now feeling anxious for no reason. wait, isn't this improper? sorry for the long comment. anw, above all, your post is interesting to me. go ahead with piano and guitar, yeahh! haha

    1. i hope you are having a good day. and i am sorry if this post triggers something. may god ease your way inshaallah. And thank you for finding it interesting :D

  4. I'm 21 y'old but can I share something too? hehe. Just like ELFarahin, I'm also living with my anxiety, plus depression. Not gonna lie, now that I'm in my Degree, things got way harder and of course the amount of responsibilities that I need to bear are much heavier. But, what I do is, every time I feel like giving up, I'd tell myself smthng like, "hey, you have lived for a freaking 21 years. This shit can't hurt you and will not take you down. You can do this!". But, if I'm really tired of everything and my depression hits hard, I'd just cry myself to sleep. Crying do help ease some of the pain and the next morning I'll wake up like nothing happened hahah (I hope I don't sound like a crazy person hahah)
